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How to Develop the Best Amazon Review Strategy?

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Expert Advice: How to Develop the Best Amazon Review Strategy? - Tips by Kiran Patil (CEO & Co-founder, Growisto)

Tip of the week: ​​How did a $100 million ARR global brand turn Amazon into a profitable channel within a quarter?

Case Study: How Growisto helped PUMA achieve 1.7x revenue growth with a SEO compliant listing solution?

Tool of the Week: Maximize Amazon profits with RepricerExpress

Expert Advice

How to Develop the Best Amazon Review Strategy?

According to a recent report, over nine out of ten customers (95%) read product reviews before they choose to purchase something. Additionally, 58% of these shoppers say they are willing to pay more for products that have good reviews. Therefore, it is very essential for Amazon sellers to optimize their Amazon review strategy in order to boost sales and credibility of their brand.

In this newsletter, we are going to discuss some of the most effective ways to develop the best Amazon review strategy:

How to get reviews?

As per Amazon guidelines, a seller can follow-up multiple times with a customer for a review. However, in no way the seller can try to influence the review as it will be a violation of the guidelines. Keeping the same in mind, we suggest the following ways to get reviews for your Amazon products:

1. Vine revews: Amazon offers the Vine Program to help connect sellers with reviewers. Vine is open to Brand Registered sellers and Vendors, and is one of the best and safest ways to get reviews for new products. Only sellers with fewer than 30 reviews are eligible for this program. You send in 30 units, which are subsequently sent out for free to Vine reviewers who have been selected by Amazon.

The significance of this Amazon review service comes from the fact that Vine reviewers, also known as "Vine Voices," are picked by Amazon based on the usefulness of their previous reviews. Through this program, you may have a better chance of acquiring more extensive reviews than through other routes.

2. Email campaigns: Amazon sends an automated e-mail asking for feedback after a purchase; however, don’t depend on those generic messages to spur reviewers into action.  

  • Allow enough time for the buyer to receive and use your product before sending a follow-up message through your Amazon seller account.

  •  Make sure the content is friendly and genuinely expresses interest in their satisfaction. 

  • Personalize it as much as possible to enhance their response rate.

  • Include a reminder to "leave a review" with a link to your product page, but emphasize that you just want an honest evaluation and that they are under no compulsion to do so.

3. Product Inserts: Product inserts are one of the simplest ways to increase Amazon reviews. The best part about product inserts is that you can go out to each and every customer and ask for a review. A product insert is a small card that is included in the packaging of your product. You add a little "thank you" remark on the card and politely request that the customer leave a review. On your product insert, you might want to put a QR code with a link to the product review page or a landing page (that goes on to ask for a review). Here are some guidelines for creating product inserts:

  • Request product reviews, but keep your tone impartial. It's against Amazon's guidelines to tell consumers to write you a five-star rating or a positive review.

  • Provide relevant information about the business and the product. Make sure people know how to reach you if a problem arises. Negative product reviews can be avoided by providing excellent customer service.

  • Incentivize in a different way. While a product insert can't monetarily incentivize reviews, it can encourage individuals to join your email lists or follow you on social media. This will be beneficial to you in the future.

How to Manage reviews?

The next step in an optimized Amazon review strategy is to manage the negative or irrelevant reviews. In case you get a review and the keywords used are not targeted towards your product, then reach out to Amazon and get the irrelevant reviews removed. For example, If you are selling “facewash”, but a negative review talks about a “face cream”, then you should contact Amazon and get it removed. 

These reviews will not only affect your sales but also the overall effectiveness of your review strategy, therefore, it is advised to get the irrelevant reviews removed at the earliest.

How to utilize data gained from reviews?

  • Use reviews for sentiment analysis - Thoroughly analyze your product reviews and try to map the customer sentiments about what they like and what they don’t. This will give you a clear picture of their likes and dislikes related to a particular product. Moreover, if they don’t have clarity about something, like the product listing or a product feature, take note of that and try to optimize your listings accordingly.

  • Competitor analysis - Keep a close eye on your competitor’s reviews as well. Check what they are talking about in their reviews, what are the features they like and what are the keywords used in the response. This way you can incorporate the positive aspects in your review strategy and make it more optimized.

  • Extensive competition review for new product launches - If you are launching a new product, then it is vital for you to analyze your competitor’s Amazon reviews and listings. This way you can align your keywords, images, etc, accordingly and build a more focused approach.

  • Use reviews to improve product listings - Identify the unique keywords, properties, features, etc being used in competitors’ product listings. Take note of the words they use to describe a product. If you see an innovative keyword or a unique use-case of your product being described in the reviews, you can incorporate the same in your listing as well. For example, you sell a beauty cream that focuses on acne, but in the reviews, someone is also talking about another result they achieved on using the cream. Then, you should include the new use-case of the cream in your product listings. Hence, reviews can be used to discover new keywords and uses that can be added to your product listings.

Incorporating the above-mentioned tips into your strategy is the best step forward in building an optimized Amazon review strategy that promises to increase sales and build brand recognition on Amazon, carving a path for long-term growth.

Want to beat your competitors on Amazon and secure higher sales?

Tip of the week

​​How did a $100 million ARR global brand turn Amazon into a profitable channel within a quarter?

A $100 million ARR global brand selling their products across multiple countries on Amazon was facing losses.

Here's how data segmentation helped them took some hard decisions to turn marketplaces into a profitable channel for the business within a quarter.

The problem?

The brand was looking at the data at an overall level. The hypothesis was that ad campaigns are not efficient.

Therefore a lot of focus was on optimizing the campaigns. Identifying negative keywords, removing low-performing keywords, pausing non-performing campaigns.

But they were still facing losses.

This led to wastage of a lot of money!

What was the solution?

Segmentation of data to find out the real root cause!

We helped the brand in creating the dashboards to understand the data better:

As a result, some products were discontinued in some specific markets. In those markets, demand for those products was not much. Even after a lot of discounting, they were not picking up

With this level of detailing it was clear, what all products were making profits and what all were making losses. This led to the focus on products and markets that were working well. Campaigns were scaled in these markets and for these products. The brand saw an immediate drop of 50% in topline, but the margins turned positive. With positive margins, they were able to invest more in ads in the right areas and scale back their business to original levels within a span of 6 months


Initially, the problem was not in ad campaigns. It was the wrong assumption. If the initial hypothesis is wrong, then your actions are bound to be wrong. Data never lies. Take its help to find the right problem to solve.

Case Study

How Growisto Helped PUMA Achieve 1.7x Revenue Growth with a SEO compliant listing solution?

PUMA is one of the largest global sports and fashion brands. Its products include a wide range of footwear, apparel and other accessories, which are both sports and casual wear.

Our Objective:

  • Optimize product listings of >15,000 SKUs

  • Increase revenue and organic visibility

Our Strategy:

Our team worked meticulously to figure out the target areas and created a step-by-step roadmap to improve them:

  • Automation Tool Development: Developed a customized automation tool for recurring content optimization that caters to the wide catalog and serves its seasonal nature

  • Keyword Diversification: Deployed attribute-specific keyword diversification to drive visibility for mid-performers

  • Brand Gating: Introduced brand gating using low performers on top listings

  • Review Mail Campaign: Launched review mail campaigns with tailored messaging to garner higher reviews and drive cross-promotion


  • 1.7x Increase in Revenue within 5 months of engagement

  • 32% Increase in Customer Reviews for top-selling SKUs

  • 18,000 Listings Optimized Using Custom-built AI tools

Tool of the Week

Maximize Amazon profits with RepricerExpress

RepricerExpress is a dynamic repricing tool designed to empower online sellers on platforms like Amazon and eBay. By leveraging advanced automation and intelligent repricing strategies, RepricerExpress ensures that product prices are always optimized in real-time to maximize sales and maintain a strategic market position.

Features Overview:

  • Automated Repricing: Adjusts product prices automatically based on predefined rules and competitive factors, ensuring real-time competitiveness.

  • Rule-Based Repricing: Customizable rules allow sellers to tailor repricing strategies to match their business goals, including setting minimum and maximum price limits.

  • Competitor Analysis: Monitors competitor prices and provides valuable insights into market trends, enabling informed pricing decisions.

  • Scheduled Faster Repricing: Allows users to set specific times for repricing activities, offering flexibility and rapid capabilities for quick responses to market changes.

  • Bulk Editing: Efficiently manages large inventories by enabling simultaneous repricing of multiple products.

  • Performance Analytics: Delivers detailed analytics on sales, pricing history, and competitor movements, providing actionable insights for strategic refinement.

This brings us to the end of this newsletter. If you have any queries, potential team-ups, or suggestions, we are always happy to hear them out!