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7 Simple Steps to Boost Website Speed

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Expert Advice: 7 Simple Steps to Boost Website Speed - Tips by Pritesh Mittal (COO & Co-founder, Growisto)

Tip of the week: How to cut costs and improve your margins on Amazon?

Case Study: How did Growisto help a leading gaming brand achieve 23% growth in sales from ads?

Tool of the Week: Turn Clicks into Sales with Pushowl

Expert Advice

7 Simple Steps to Boost Website Speed

Website performance is crucial for retaining visitors and ensuring a smooth user experience. In fact, Google research shows that if your website takes more than three seconds to load, you can lose about 50% of the visitors.

Let's dive into the top reasons for poor website performance and how to address them.

1. Inadequate Caching Techniques

  • Problem: Most websites only implement browser caching, which benefits users only on their second visit using the same device and browser.

  • Solution: Implement both client-side (browser) and server-side caching. Use full page caching and data caching to enhance performance, ensuring updated content is served promptly.

2. Excessive HTTP Requests

  • Problem: Too many JavaScript, CSS, and image files can lead to numerous HTTP requests, slowing down page load speed.

  • Solution: Reduce HTTP requests by merging smaller icons/elements into one file. Combine JS and CSS files and implement lazy loading for below-the-fold sections.

3. Unoptimized Images

  • Problem: Heavy, high-resolution images can significantly increase page weight.

  • Solution: Optimize images by resizing them appropriately, applying lazy loading, and using tools for automatic resizing and compression. Set explicit dimensions and choose image resolutions based on website needs.

4. Lack of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Problem: Without a CDN, data delivery can be slower for users located far from the server.

  • Solution: Use a CDN to store site data on servers worldwide, ensuring faster content delivery. Optimize CDN settings to prevent serving stale data.

5. Unoptimal Code Density

  • Problem: Dense web elements, especially code, can slow down page load speed.

  • Solution: Clean up and optimize your code. Minimize the use of multiple CSS stylesheets and minify both CSS and JS.

6. Server Performance

  • Problem: A server's performance can be a bottleneck if it's not optimized or if it's handling more requests than its capacity.

  • Solution: Ensure your server is scaled according to traffic and that its architecture is designed for optimal performance.

7. Not Using Gzip Compression

  • Problem: Without Gzip compression, website data isn't efficiently compressed for faster transmission.

  • Solution: Implement Gzip compression to reduce the size of transmitted data, leading to faster page loads.

8. Too Many Ads

  • Problem: Excessive advertisements can make your website heavy and slow to load.

  • Solution: Limit the number of ads and ensure they're optimized for performance. Consider using lightweight ad networks.

9. External Embedded Media

  • Problem: Relying on external sources for media can slow down your website.

  • Solution: Host media on your own server or use optimized external providers. Implement lazy loading for external media.

Don't let delays deter your visitors. Implement these solutions and offer a seamless user experience.

Tip of the week

How to cut costs and improve your margins on Amazon?

Do you really make profits on Amazon?

Over a hundred brands must have told us that after revenue growth and visibility boost, improving margins is the next focus area for them.

So what are the different ways that can help you cut costs and improve your margins on Amazon?

1) Optimize Product Packaging - Size and weight of the product’s packaging can add to your FBA/shipping fees. Hence, you must optimize your packaging to fit the smallest tier possible

2) Add the right product dimensions - Ensure that Amazon has recorded right product dimensions in the system. If the dimensions are not right, you are owed a refund

3) Sell items in bundles - Analyze historical data and consider bundling products that are usually bought together, or items that can be clubbed into packs of 2, 4 and so on

4) Choose your product categories wisely - Make sure that your product is highly relevant to the category that is chosen, as they decide the Amazon referral fee you must pay

5) Take stock of stranded and unfulfillable inventory - Regularly monitor your stranded and unfulfillable inventory to avoid paying extra for them

6) Product Pricing - FBA fees and transaction fees vary with the product price, therefore, always check these fees applicable to your products for different price points

7) Product Mix - Finally, choose the right product mix that will give you the highest margins

These tips might be effort-intensive to implement and measure, but with the right partner, you can adapt and conserve costs in an ever-changing eCommerce market.

Case Study

How did Growisto help a leading gaming brand achieve 23% growth in sales from ads?

The client is one of the leading global brands for Gaming Laptops and eSports.

Our Objective:

  • Improve the impressions and impression share for the brand on Amazon

  • Promote newer configuration laptops, given that that there 5-6 new launches, with upgraded configurations, every quarter

  • Promote more high-end laptops, and increase the Average Order Value

Our Strategy:

  • Increased focus on top generic keywords for SP, specific to the gaming laptops category

  • Maintained a healthy mix of all ad types including SP/SB/SBV/SD to meet brands objective of creating awareness

  • Extensive competition product research and targeting to gain impression shares


  • 23% Growth in sales from Ads during pre final-exam period

  • 50% Increase in Ad clicks over the same period

  • 25% Increase in the average order value

  • 11% Increase in sales in ad sales

Want to upgrade your Amazon strategy?

Tool of the Week

Turn Clicks into Sales with Pushowl

In the e-commerce landscape, web push notifications are a powerful tool to re-engage and retain potential customers. PushOwl provides businesses with a robust platform to leverage these notifications, enhancing their communication strategies.

Features Overview:

  • Abandoned Cart Reminders: Allows businesses to send reminders to customers about items left in their carts.

  • Segmentation & Targeting: Provides options to categorize and reach out to users based on specific behaviors or locations.

  • Integration Capabilities: Compatible with several e-commerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce.

  • Notification Customization: Users can adjust the appearance and content of the notifications.

This brings us to the end of this newsletter. If you have any queries, potential team-ups, or suggestions, we are always happy to hear them out!